Daily Figment 08: Orson Scott Card & Ratatouille
Andy posted a quote from a review that my favorite sci-fi writer, Orson Scott Card, wrote about Ratatouille.
Daily Figment 10 - John Hench Designing Disney
I take a look at an amazing work by the late John Hench, Disney Legend and design expert. He wrote this book in 2003. It is a stunning work that goes into great detail about designing the theme parks. If you can find a copy, snag it!
Daily Figment 26: East vs. West
Ever notice the differences between the East and West side of Future World at EPCOT?
Daily Figment 27: Splash Mountain Tradition
Who did we call this year at MouseFest? Each other and Ray!
Don't forget to leave us some Disney Geek love (comments, baby!). It is just like clapping for Tinkerbell--we do believe in comments, we do...
I have been searching for a reasonably priced copy of the John Hench book. I passed on it years ago when it was available at The Art of Disney store and now I regret that decision. Oh, and this is leaving some Disney Geek love. You like comments, I like comments, we all like comments.
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doc--it is a great book. I wish I had picked up two copies when it was at a regular price. Since Mr. Hench passed away, the book has increased in value.
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