- we're very proud of what we have done and
- we want to share our older stuff with you.
So, we are presenting some of our own favorite posts from our past.
One of the first posts I wrote that I enjoyed writing and reading is:
Father's Day Dreaming: At the Parks...
I reminisced about taking my kids to the parks for the first time and how it changed my park habits in a good way.
Andy wrote an early post:
Main Street 8:59
Andy shares a tip about getting Main Street and the Castle all to yourself.
We both were able to experience meeting Disney Legend and former Disney publicist Charles Ridgway on Tuesday, June 5 (we also ate at Taco Bell with Jeff Pepper!):
Yours Truly, Charles Ridgway
Andy wrote a beautiful post about his thoughts on the book, Spinning Disney's World
Our very first Daily Figment:
My how things have changed! We knew had the concept we wanted--we were amazed at everything we could do with it. But would anybody like it?
It has been fun writing for you over the past 8 months. Leave us some Disney Geek love and tell us what you think!
Wow, have you guys written that many posts!
Time sure flies. There is still a few more days left in 2007. You may produce another post or two for your list before the sun sets on this year
Good heavens--131 blogs???
George - thanks for the great work on here and for all the positive Geek Love you've left not only on my site, but the other ones as well. As I always say, even though you're on the wrong coast, you're ok in my book!
In reading your post about Charles Ridgeway, I backed up a few days to June 3rd. Then you wrote about trying to form a Caroline Disney Group. How did that work out? I ask because I have thought about trying to do the same in Middle Tennessee.
Correction: Carolina Disney Group.
Ray--Thanks! Especially for all of the help you offered this year!
bixie--yeah, I love to keep up with what is going on. It is only about a half hour a day.
Dave--thanks! I know the East Coast vs West Coast rivalry can get pretty tough, but we can all share the Disney Geek love!
We still want to start one. Jeff Pepper is in--we just need to set a date and do it. I would just start advertising it on your blog and see what kind of response you get!
I especially like the Father's Day post. It's so true. Going with kids is a dramatic adjustment but so worth the change. I actually haven't ridden Haunted Mansion in my last three visits because of the kids. I only miss it when I'm back home. Like now. *sigh*
Seriously, great stuff!
Oh, and count me in on the Carolina Disney Group!
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