Saturday, November 24, 2007

Book Update - The Disney That Never Was

Disney That Never Was: The Stories and Art of Five Decades of Unproduced Animation looks like it is an an absolutely amazing book. The book is filled with concept artwork and the stories behind the stories never told. It will take a long three-day weekend to take it all in. This would make the perfect Christmas present for any good animation buff.


Michael said...

This is indeed a fantastic book - definitely the best ever released on this subject. I've hoped since it was released that they'd work on a sequel - one for the parks would be appreciated too. There's a lot of fantastic animation concepts that were never fully developed - Marc Davis' sketches for Chanticleer are like butter. And I'm always a sucker for any information on abandoned Fantasia concepts...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment.

It really does look like an amazing work or art, in itself.